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イントゥ・ザ・スカイ 気球で未来を変えたふたり - by AMMinh, February 24, 2020
4.1/ 5stars

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  • Creator: HIHO NEWS
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UK reviews: In 1862, pioneering meteorologist James Glaisher (Eddie Redmayne) teams up with daredevil balloon pilot Amelia Rennes (Felicity Jones) to advance human knowledge of the weather and fly higher than anyone in history. While their voyage to the very edge of existence helps the unlikely pair find their place in the world, they face physical and emotional challenges in the thin air, as the ascent becomes a fight for survival liked It: 11090 vote runtime: 1hours, 40 Min Release date: 2019.
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サマーの綴りちがくね?どんな意味があるんだろう…. Balon pilotlar c4 b1 2. 今だからこそ見たい作品. 普段からフレディみたい笑 エディが話してる時口を見てるのがセクシー🤭💘. Balon pilotlari film yorum. Balon pilotları filmi. 今時珍しい無骨な冒険活劇ですね. こういう作品は細かいことは気にせず楽しみましょう. 映画館でね! わたくしは観に行きます. この映画のグッズCMで 檻に入った熊をキッズ向けに流してたし、 この映画作り終わった後に 「次らコメディ撮りたいね!」って言ってたから 監督はただのサイコパスだと思う. Also known as ‘Eddie redmayne keeps a straight face while James cordon acts a fool. 😂.


Balloon pilot light. He's cute and adorable at the same time. Especially congrat for his win, eddie deserve that 👏👏. Balon pilotları altyazılı fragman. アンティルドーンのジョッシュやんな!?. Amazon original ?. Balon pilotları. I watched this last night with my family, and it was an entertaining movie for all ages. It's hard to find a movie that the whole family can watch, without cussing and violence or awkward sexual moments, without resorting to an animated movie.
Felicity Jones and Redmayne are very fun to watch on screen. I believe this would be their second movie as a duo, beginning with Theory of Everything. Redmayne is one of the best actors of our time. I will watch any movie he is in.
As someone who cares deeply about and studies history, I empathize with the passionate reviews that condemn revisionist history. However, these people, while they aren't wrong, should look at what the director wrote about this movie and why he created it. If they had, I think they would be less offended by the revised history aspect.
Director Tom Harper had read the book, Falling Upwards by Richard Holmes. This book recounts numerous balloon voyages. The James Glaisher and Henry Coxwell voyage was incredibly scientific in nature. And according to the book, they two hardly spoke. So while the voyage is a good backdrop for a movie, two characters hardly speaking is not great cinema. So inevitably something would be revised in order to sell the movie.
Taking the 1862 voyage as a starting point, he wove other stories into the movie. The director says that the events in the movie are meant to be a collection of some of the more heroing moments in balloon aviation, and that all of them truly happened on different voyages. Having seen the movie, I still have my doubts about every small detail being possible to have happened. But that's beside the point. And also, maybe I need to read Falling Upward before I judge.
I think for any Hollywood movie, steeped in history, we give up some historical integrity at some point. As someone who is interested in history, but not an expert by any means, I can point holes in just about every movie, said to be based on true events. I think it comes down to a director's vision having the ultimate say on what they do with a story or with a set of characters. If the movies were left up to Hollywood, we wouldn't be entertained. If this had been a true historical account, I never would have heard of or learned about this magnificent point in history.
I gave the movie a 5/10 for more typical cinematic reasons, but I was not offended in the least by the choices the director took with his story. I would like to see more movies like this, any day.

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Balon pilotları sinemalar. 【公式】1. 17公開『イントゥ・ザ・スカイ 気球で未来を変えたふたり』/特別映像2 - 動画 Dailymotion. Balon pilotlar c4 b1 code. Balon pilotlar c4 b1 level. As much as I wanted Benedict Cumberbach to Win for The Imitation Game, I am very pleased that Eddie Redmayne won he deserved it. エディレッドメインがでる映画は全部素晴らしい. 公開楽しみ 想像以上に画面が明るい. ヒックとドラゴン一作目の監督やんけ!. Balon pilotları izle. Eddie is a hundred times hotter than usual here😯 I mean like he is hot already but my my. my heart cant take this. And also. knowing that they both came from the same agency growing up. I'm laughing out loud😂😂😂. 聞き上手なラミが好きだあ.


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